Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good Mail

THIS is what I call "good mail"! An email received from Layton's teacher last week:

I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy teaching Layton. He is a ray of sunshine in our class. I can count on him being "in the right place" and "doing the right thing". He deserves a hug for this! Mrs. C

And hug him is exactly what I did!


mags said...

ahh Layton's all grown up! all your kids are adorable, that kate needs to do some gap commercials! annalisa wants your e-mail so she can invite you to her blog. will you e-mail it to me? then i can have it as well.
by the way you are smokin' the triatholon inspired me.

kara jayne said...

Ummmmm how did I not know you had a blog?!! I'm dying that I've been missing it! You are hands down one of my favorite people and I miss you SO MUCH!! Thanks for the comment so we could be back in touch!

About this post, I LOVE it when teachers communicate personally like that. I would've been in tears. He looks like a great kid. I'm sure he and Jack would be good buddies.

Come visit us!!

Jenni said...

what a buddy!

Unknown said...

Hey Angie!

Good to "see" you and your cute family too!! Isn't it great getting back in touch with everybody after all these years?? I will add you to the list of blogs I stalk ;)


Mrs. Olsen said...

Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and Angie - You have a cute little family. Did you run a marathon Angie? I hate you (and love you at the same time). Later!