Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat...sMeLL mY FeEt!

Can I just say how much I love Halloween? Not necessarily all the hype and materialism, but seeing my kids all dressed up in cute little costumes is such a highlight for me! So much fun! We actually had a "traditional" Halloween last night instead of the ward "Trunk-or-treat" which has taken its place for the past few years. The kids had a blast going from house to house trick-or-treating and each had a boat-load by the time we were done! Kate is such a candy fiend and was in HoG HeAvEn all night! She couldn't believe that you just say TricK or TreAt and they put candy in your bucket! She had those words down perfect by the end of the night! Here are a few pics to document our fun!

Hannah Montana A.K.A. Morgan

Layton as Optimus Prime

Allie and her blonde hair make the perfect Cinderella

Kate wearing the same witch costume that both Morgan and Allie have worn. How sad that I don't have any more girls to put this cute costume on! Seeing Kate in this costume was like seeing Morgan in instant replay...they look so much alike! (Morgan 13 mo.)

My four little kiddos knocking on the neighbors door. How cute are they?