Allie overheard me talking with Quinn on the phone the other day about his mom needing to come up to have her bridge fixed...she couldn't quite grasp the concept of a bridge in someone's mouth and after a lengthy explanation, I assumed she understood. Later that day when we were driving in the car, she leaned over to Layton and
said " Layton, guess what? Grandma ate a bridge!"
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Posted by Angie at 9:45 PM 2 comments
Sneak Preview
I finally got around to having Kate's two year old pictures taken and I'm so glad I did! My amazing friend, Katie, lives just around the corner and has a studio in her house( see more of Katie's awesome pictures by clicking on Katie Portraits on my sidebar)...she has such an amazing talent and captures the most precious moments. Here is a sneak preview of our sweet Kate....
Since I neglected to post this on her actual birthday, here are a few things I love about Kate..
* She is so happy when she wakes up in the morning and greets me with an excited squeal when I walk in the room.
* She loves her sisters and brother and often follows them around trying her best to be one of the "big kids".
* When she says "no" with a smile, it means yes. When she says "no" with a frown, it means no.
* She loves baby dolls, strollers, bottles, blankies, all things babies.
* When I'm getting dressed in the morning, she often walks in and tugs on my pantleg, and says " Tyute(cute), Mommy!"
* She adores her daddy...often preferring him, but most often stuck with me! Good thing I come in a close second!
We love you Kate
Posted by Angie at 9:25 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Super Mega Summer Post part deux
Summer's over already? Yup, it's officially the start of the new school year. And boy did we go out with a bang! Here's a tribute to the last month of our summer....
The kids loved taking swimming lessons at Heise Hot Springs, but their favorite was swimming with their dad after lessons were over.
The Mikesell Family Reunion was the first weekend in August. After a picnic in the park and a family softball game, we went to the Riot Zone in Rigby and had a blast on the climbing wall, the bumper boats, and the go-carts.
The second weekend in August was filled with another reunion...we met up with the Burtons for a fun-filled day at Lagoon! Believe it or not, my kids had never been there so it was a total blast for them. The kids played like they had never been apart! It was so fun to see them together again. Brenda up to her old tricks! Whatcha seein' in there Bren?
We also ran into a few other friends from Louisville completely by chance... Mike and Stephanie Cook and Alan and Jennie Davies were there as well! What a fun surprise! It was great to catch up with everyone.The next morning, Quinn and I woke up at 3:30 AM and traveled to Provo to meet Brian and Brenda where we ran the Provo half marathon. It was our first and the Burton's second. Brenda's sister Amber and her husband also ran with us...I mean, ahead of us! I'm proud to admit that I brought up the rear! It was a fun race and even though we were stinky at the end, (some of us VERY stinky!) it was great to be together. Thanks Burtons!
Now fast forward a few days to reunion #3... The Herbst Family at Bear Lake.
The following are pictures from an awesome trip with my family. Kate was thoroughly entertained with the sand..and her sunglasses! Allie was my waterbaby that day!
My cute mom and dad on the four-wheeler!
Poor Austin at the mercy of girl cousins!
Layton playing with the surprise sand digger that Grandma and Grandpa brought for each of the families! Thanks mom and dad!
Cute Colby riding his own 4-wheeler!
Our family at the Minnitonka Caves just outside of Bear Lake.
Now, here we are. It's the first day of school, the bus has just arrived home, it's time to breathe that sigh of relief...then jump right into piano, dance, gymnastics...and the list goes on.....Is there any rest for the weary?
Posted by Angie at 8:59 PM 7 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Thanks Becca!
Ten Years Ago:
1. I was 19 and had been married for six months.
2. I worked as a Dental Assistant for Dr. Transtrum.
3. We had just purchased our first home that was only about 800 square feet and $400 a month! (wow)
4. I was second counselor in the Primary Presidency in our ward.
5. We were in the thick of firesides with Bro. Glenn Rawson sometimes doing two or three a week.
Today's to do list:
1. Run
2. Register my kids for school.
3. Clean my bathrooms.
4. Get a massage. (I know, can't wait)
5. Pick beans out of our garden. (yummy)
Places I have lived:
1. Blackfoot, ID
2. Mountain Home,ID
3. Rexburg, ID
4. Louisville, KY
5. Rigby, ID
If I were a millionare:
1. I would NOT spoil my children.
2. I would buy land.
3. I would buy a hybrid car that gets super good gas mileage.
4. Pay off loans (UGH)
5. Travel
Snacks I enjoy:
1. yogurt
2. anything with peanut butter
3. Mint chocolate chip ice cream
4. snow cones (we have a really good snow cone shack here that gets them PERFECT.)
5. chips and salsa (preferably homemade)
Pheww! Sorry that took so long Becca! I tag Jenni, Jami, and Deanna and anyone else who wants to answer a few random questions...
Posted by Angie at 9:00 PM 5 comments