Monday, August 4, 2008


Thanks Becca!

Ten Years Ago:
1. I was 19 and had been married for six months.
2. I worked as a Dental Assistant for Dr. Transtrum.
3. We had just purchased our first home that was only about 800 square feet and $400 a month! (wow)
4. I was second counselor in the Primary Presidency in our ward.
5. We were in the thick of firesides with Bro. Glenn Rawson sometimes doing two or three a week.

Today's to do list:
1. Run
2. Register my kids for school.
3. Clean my bathrooms.
4. Get a massage. (I know, can't wait)
5. Pick beans out of our garden. (yummy)

Places I have lived:
1. Blackfoot, ID
2. Mountain Home,ID
3. Rexburg, ID
4. Louisville, KY
5. Rigby, ID

If I were a millionare:
1. I would NOT spoil my children.
2. I would buy land.
3. I would buy a hybrid car that gets super good gas mileage.
4. Pay off loans (UGH)
5. Travel

Snacks I enjoy:
1. yogurt
2. anything with peanut butter
3. Mint chocolate chip ice cream
4. snow cones (we have a really good snow cone shack here that gets them PERFECT.)
5. chips and salsa (preferably homemade)

Pheww! Sorry that took so long Becca! I tag Jenni, Jami, and Deanna and anyone else who wants to answer a few random questions...


Alysia Cook said...

Hey Ang, I am just now getting around to responding to the comment you left on my blog like a month ago...I am slow. I am glad you found me though and that I can check out your blog every once in a while. Your kids are so cute, and you look great, too.

Becca said...

Hey thanks for playing! I remember that cute house you guys had. Did you get your massage? I didn't make it to any of the firesides either. I left Blackfoot a week earlier than planned so I pretty much missed everything. Hopefully someday we can all do it again!

Nate and Melissa said...

Angie! Wow, I can't believe it is like a reunion in blog land. Your kids are adorable and life in Rigby looks totally lush!

Nate and Melissa said...

Angie! Wow, I can't believe it is like a reunion in blog land. Your kids are adorable and life in Rigby looks totally lush!

Cheryl said...

Julie (Rose) told me about your blog, so I thought I'd come take a look. Your family is beautiful! And I can't believe how long it's been since I've seen you --time does fly.
Anyway, you look amazing and I hope life is good!