Tuesday, January 5, 2010


..is what I get to do today. ALL DAY. Seriously.


mags said...

...back to the grind! you should see mine. ick.

Jocelyn said...

It's nice to know we're all in it together, though, right?!

Kristi said...

I should've taken a picture when we got home from our 2 1/2 wk. vacation last night! Yours at least looks somewhat neat and CLEAN! Oh what FUN!!!

Becca said...

And no matter how much you do, it never goes away...How is that again? Joy in the journey? :) Love it!

Photo Crazy! said...

I TOTALLY know the feeling!

Oyama Family said...

Somehow I don't think those TWO baskets are gonna cut it?

easleyfamily said...

Happy New Year :) This is also what my new year brought to me!

Forrest said...

Looks like you need a bigger couch!

*A* said...

Holy CRAP!!! Good luck with that one:-) Love ya!