Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Stew... a whole 2 weeks worth!

or 3...or 4...

Sunday Stew (thanks Kara) is my new solution to bloggers block. My utter lack of storytelling skills shows repeatedly on this blog and in hopes of making things a little more interesting, or maybe just easier for me, Sunday Stew will be random mixture of all the good things that go on in our family.
So this is coming at ya in no particular order, and the obsessive compulsiveness in me is screaming at me to fix it, but it's not gonna happen today. So here goes.

A few months ago, 3 to be exact, I signed Morgan up for club volleyball and thought about how fun it would be to go watch her play every Saturday. Ha. I then get a phone call from the coordinator saying they need a coach for Morgans team and that I was the last one on the list. And because I have no concept telling someone "No", well yeah, you guessed it. So much for leisurely Saturdays watching from the bleachers. Mind you, I have zero experience in anything besides Young Womens volleyball that I played when I was 14, so I was a little nervous. But what started out as something to dread, became something I really looked forward to. We had a great group of girls on the team, and for most of them being fairly new to the sport, they were really good! It was so fun to watch them improve throughout the season...and who knows...maybe my coaching days aren't over just yet.....

Layton had his first Pinewood Derby last week! Here is his car and his award for "Best Design". His Dad worked so hard. (wink)

Layton with a couple of his cute scout buddies, waiting for the races to begin.

Quinn "helping" Layton with his car. I love how into it the Dad's get.

I had to throw this one in for flavor. I love this kid's grin. He makes me smile.

And this one too. What can I say? They all make me smile.

This is cute Allie with her Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Herbst(my grandparents) at her 6th birthday party. They have never missed a birthday(NOT ONE)and I'm so glad they are around for my kids to know them. Notice the camera on my Grandma's lap. She probably had those pictures downloaded and into books before the night was up. She is a master historian and computer wiz and a regular facebooker. Yup. She's amazing.

Allie with her traditional birthday breakfast in bed. Something we all look forward to each year!

This gorgeous lady is my SIL and her cute little girl. We had Quinn's family up for dinner on Easter Sunday after conference. It was even pleasant enough that we were able to go outside and have a small easter egg hunt.

Here are all the kids waiting patiently as the eggs were hidden outside.

I love this pic of Kate and her Grandpa looking through an old photo album. He was telling her stories and she was eating it up.
And there you have it. Sunday Stew. Next week will be bite size.


stalker sarah said...

ANGIE!!! I'm so glad you found my blog! Because now I have found yours! Your family is so cute! I SOOOO wish we could be running partners! And I wish we lived closer! I'm adding you to my blog stalking list, missy! ;)

mags said...

that pic of the kids waiting for easter eggs reminds me of similar ones of all our toddlers waiting in brenda's apartment in silver springs. ahhh derby makes me nosalgic for louisville! you make a cute (and i'm sure very competent) volleyball coach!

Kiama Dawson said...

Cute pictures, and cute kids :). Congrats to Layton on his pinewood derby car. He looks very excited.

easleyfamily said...

I love this "Sunday Stew" idea! Brilliant! Your family is adorable and I love keeping up with you guys!

*A* said...

You are adorable! I love your Sunday Stew and you are all so yummy I could eat your Sunday Stew!! I will tell Jen to give you an invite. Love ya!

kerstin said...

I bet you are an awesome volleyball coach! :) Cute pictures!

Betty I. Herbst said...

Thanks for the kind words Angie. I was excited to see the picture of Allie with us. Since I was sitting next to her, all of the pictures that I took have her face hidden behind her beautiful hair.

Mrs. Olsen said...

Okay..volleyball is only my favorite sport ever! Glad to see Morgan is joining the fun.

BTW, who plays the guitar?

Tell Quinn congrats on his best design at the pinewood derby. Shouldn't they just bite the bullet and have an elders quorum derby already?